Marje Russ


Marje Russ has been a member of the New Zealand External Reporting Board (XRB) Auditing and Assurance Standards Board since 2013 and previously represented the XRB as an advisory panel member on the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s project to develop guidance on Extended External Reporting (EER), which was published in April  2021.

Marje has a background in environmental and resource management with expertise in environmental planning/policy-setting, environmental certification and assurance, and risk management and governance.

Marje stepped down from an 11-year Board Director position for Tonkin & Taylor Group Ltd in 2021 and continues in a consulting role as Technical Director Environment and Sustainable Business.  In February 2022, she was appointed to the board of Manaaki Whenua: Landcare Research, a New Zealand Crown Research Institute. 

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