AUASB Research Centre

The AUASB Research Centre is part of the AUASB Evidence-Informed Standard Setting Strategy to inform and support the AUASB in its standard-setting decision-making and to facilitate thought leadership on auditing and assurance issues. This is outlined in detail in the AUASB Evidence-Informed Standard-Setting (EISS) Strategy.

To serve the public interest, the AUASB must develop, issue and maintain high-quality Australian auditing and assurance standards and guidance that: 

AUASB Research Opportunities

To assist the AUASB in achieving the above objectives, we call for research on topics relevant to our Corporate Plan and Work Plan and matters directly related to the Work Plan of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).

The AUASB is interested in research that may inform our work plan and standard-setting process. If you have relevant research, please contact us at [email protected]. Research relevant to the AUASB may be considered for publication in an AUASB Research Report. See below for further information.

Collaboration Opportunity - ARC Linkage Program

The AUASB also welcomes appropriate opportunities to act as a Partner Organisation in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Program. The Linkage Program promotes collaboration between researchers and external partners, such as industry and government. It aims to build research capacity and ensure that research outcomes have practical applications that benefit society and the economy.

While the AUASB cannot guarantee the success of an application, we will carefully assess collaboration/partnership requests and select projects that are closely aligned with our strategy and work plan and are likely to inform our work. The AUASB will consider how to support relevant projects, such as through financial contributions and/or in-kind resources, which may strengthen your ARC Linkage application.

Researchers interested in collaborating or partnering with the AUASB on an ARC Linkage Program application are encouraged to visit the Australian Research Council website for more information and to contact us at [email protected]

Research Reports

The AUASB Research Report series is designed to promote thought leadership in auditing and assurance standard-setting and audit quality through in-depth analysis of audit and assurance issues and related empirical research. The following Research Reports have been issued:

No. Title Issue Date
12 AUASB Research Report 12: Understanding and evaluating the effectiveness of ASA 720, The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information, and its role in the current environment.  

July 2024

11 AUASB Research Report 11: State of Assurance Choices for Medium Sized Australian Charities July 2024
10 AUASB Research Report 10: Deakin-AUASB Sustainability Assurance Research Workshop Dec 2023
- AASB-AUASB Joint Research Report: Trends in Climate Related Disclosures and assurance in the Annual Reports of ASX-listed entities Nov 2023
- AASB-AUASB Joint Research Report: Australian Listed Entities: Recognised intangible assets and key audit matters May 2023
AASB-AUASB Joint Research Report: Climate-related disclosures and assurance in the annual reports of ASX-listed companies Dec 2022
9 AUASB Research Report 9: Perceptions of Audit Quality by Audit Committee Chairs in Australia Dec 2022
8 AUASB Research Report 8: ANCAAR - AUASB Research and Regulation Workshop Oct 2022
7 AUASB Research Report 7: A Literature Review on the Reporting and Assurance of Climate-related and Other Non-financial Information May 2022
6 Audit Quality in Australia: The Perspective of Audit Committee Chairs (2nd Report) Feb 2021
5 AUASB Research Report 5: COVID-19 Snapshot of Auditor Reporting in Australia Dec 2020
4 AUASB Research Report 4: The Provision of Non-Audit Services by Audit firms in Australia Dec 2019
3 AUASB Research Report 3: Audit Market Structure and Competition in Australia: 2012 – 2018, authored by Professor Elizabeth Carson Oct 2019
2 Audit Quality in Australia: The Perspectives of Professional Investors Apr 2019
1 Audit Quality in Australia: The Perspective of Audit Committee Chairs Sep 2018
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